Habibie & Ainun

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Haii aku balik lagii yeyeyye -__-

kayaknya kedatanganku nggak diharepin banget ya? bener nggak? moga aja nggak deh yaa. abis miris sih dateng ga d harepin gituuhhh ┌(_o_)┐
Kalii ini aku balik mau ngehabas tentang film HABIBIE & AINUN (aku kasihan sama yang rabun mbokan ga bisa baca) ~(‾‾)~ . Film yang konon kabarnya yang tayang baru berapa hari ya? ah tau ah, males ngitung, otak lagi ngeblank abis udh nganggur 2 minggu ƪ˘)ʃ pokoknya tuh film tayang dari tanggal 20-12-2012 dan hari ini tanggal 2 - 01-2013 udh ngeciduk (yaelah bahasanya) -__- sekitar 1.935.000 orang di bioskop seluruh Indonesia. kerenn kan? tapi emang keren sih filmnya ^^ . Dan angka yang fantastis ini udh ngalahin The Raid yang dapet penonton 1,8 Jt yang masuk 15 besar juga tuh ke Box Office Amerika. Huh kebanggan banget yaa tentunya buat ka Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) sama ka Reza Rahardian (з´`ε) . gmana nggga coba? filmnya d tonton sama orang nomer satu di Indonesia , Yiaapp ! Pak Susilo Bambang SBYBY (kata Refinda, ckckkc --") yang sampai menitikkan air mata huhuhu :(( . Okehh ayok kita kenalan sama pemainnya yaakkk. siaapp? Hahaha kayak mau ngapain aja ya? Intinya mah ada dua pokok pemain yahh ka BCL sama ka Reza sendiri, yang berperan sebagai ibu ainun sama pak habibiie. Keren loh ! ka BCL mengedepankan profesionalitas, walaupun udh pnya suami ka Bunga tetep mengedepankan kepuasan eyang habibie sama hasil filmnya .. wahhh artis teladan nih wkwk ^^
SImak yukk sinopsisnyaa habibie & ainun berikut iniii !! :

Ini adalah kisah tentang apa yang terjadi bila kau menemukan belahan hatimu. Kisah tentang cinta pertama dan cinta terakhir. Kisah tentang Presiden ketiga Indonesia dan ibu negara. Kisah tentang Habibie dan Ainun.

Rudy Habibie seorang jenius ahli pesawat terbang yang punya mimpi besar: berbakti kepada bangsa Indonesia dengan membuat truk terbang untuk menyatukan Indonesia. Sedangkan Ainun adalah seorang dokter muda cerdas yang dengan jalur karir terbuka lebar untuknya.

Pada tahun 1962, dua kawan SMP ini bertemu lagi di Bandung. Habibie jatuh cinta seketika pada Ainun yang baginya semanis gula. Tapi Ainun, dia tak hanya jatuh cinta, dia iman pada visi dan mimpi Habibie. Mereka menikah dan terbang ke Jerman.

Punya mimpi tak akan pernah mudah. Habibie dan Ainun tahu itu. Cinta mereka terbangun dalam perjalanan mewujudkan mimpi. Dinginnya salju Jerman, pengorbanan, rasa sakit, kesendirian serta godaan harta dan kuasa saat mereka kembali ke Indonesia mengiringi perjalanan dua hidup menjadi satu.

Bagi Habibie, Ainun adalah segalanya. Ainun adalah mata untuk melihat hidupnya. Bagi Ainun, Habibie adalah segalanya, pengisi kasih dalam hidupnya. Namun setiap kisah mempunyai akhir, setiap mimpi mempunyai batas. Kemudian pada satu titik, dua belahan jiwa ini tersadar; Apakah cinta mereka akan bisa terus abadi?
Rudy Habibie seorang jenius ahli pesawat terbang yang punya mimpi besar: berbakti kepada bangsa Indonesia dengan membuat truk terbang untuk menyatukan Indonesia. Sedangkan Ainun adalah seorang dokter muda cerdas yang dengan jalur karir terbuka lebar untuknya.
Pada tahun 1962, dua kawan SMP ini bertemu lagi di Bandung. Habibie jatuh cinta seketika pada Ainun yang baginya semanis gula. Tapi Ainun, dia tak hanya jatuh cinta, dia iman pada visi dan mimpi Habibie. Mereka menikah dan terbang ke Jerman.

Punya mimpi tak akan pernah mudah. Habibie dan Ainun tahu itu. Cinta mereka terbangun dalam perjalanan mewujudkan mimpi. Dinginnya salju Jerman, pengorbanan, rasa sakit, kesendirian serta godaan harta dan kuasa saat mereka kembali ke Indonesia mengiringi perjalanan dua hidup menjadi satu.

Bagi Habibie, Ainun adalah segalanya. Ainun adalah mata untuk melihat hidupnya. Bagi Ainun, Habibie adalah segalanya, pengisi kasih dalam hidupnya. Namun setiap kisah mempunyai akhir, setiap mimpi mempunyai batas. Kemudian pada satu titik, dua belahan jiwa ini tersadar; Apakah cinta mereka akan bisa terus abadi?
Pada tahun 1962, dua kawan SMP ini bertemu lagi di Bandung. Habibie jatuh cinta seketika pada Ainun yang baginya semanis gula. Tapi Ainun, dia tak hanya jatuh cinta, dia iman pada visi dan mimpi Habibie. Mereka menikah dan terbang ke Jerman.
Punya mimpi tak akan pernah mudah. Habibie dan Ainun tahu itu. Cinta mereka terbangun dalam perjalanan mewujudkan mimpi. Dinginnya salju Jerman, pengorbanan, rasa sakit, kesendirian serta godaan harta dan kuasa saat mereka kembali ke Indonesia mengiringi perjalanan dua hidup menjadi satu.

Bagi Habibie, Ainun adalah segalanya. Ainun adalah mata untuk melihat hidupnya. Bagi Ainun, Habibie adalah segalanya, pengisi kasih dalam hidupnya. Namun setiap kisah mempunyai akhir, setiap mimpi mempunyai batas. Kemudian pada satu titik, dua belahan jiwa ini tersadar; Apakah cinta mereka akan bisa terus abadi?
Punya mimpi tak akan pernah mudah. Habibie dan Ainun tahu itu. Cinta mereka terbangun dalam perjalanan mewujudkan mimpi. Dinginnya salju Jerman, pengorbanan, rasa sakit, kesendirian serta godaan harta dan kuasa saat mereka kembali ke Indonesia mengiringi perjalanan dua hidup menjadi satu.
Bagi Habibie, Ainun adalah segalanya. Ainun adalah mata untuk melihat hidupnya. Bagi Ainun, Habibie adalah segalanya, pengisi kasih dalam hidupnya. Namun setiap kisah mempunyai akhir, setiap mimpi mempunyai batas. Kemudian pada satu titik, dua belahan jiwa ini tersadar; Apakah cinta mereka akan bisa terus abadi?
Bagi Habibie, Ainun adalah segalanya. Ainun adalah mata untuk melihat hidupnya. Bagi Ainun, Habibie adalah segalanya, pengisi kasih dalam hidupnya. Namun setiap kisah mempunyai akhir, setiap mimpi mempunyai batas. Kemudian pada satu titik, dua belahan jiwa ini tersadar; Apakah cinta mereka akan bisa terus abadi? Penasaran kan sama lanjutanyya? Nih aku saranin yaa cepetan deh nonton di bioskop terdekat, jangan d layar tancap yaa .. wkwkˆʃƪ) . terus kalau mau nntn aku saranin juga biar udh stay di bioskop tuh 1 jam sebelum d puter tuh filmnyaa haha kayak mau antri sembako aja ya ckckck. Pokokny angga nyesel deh kalau nonton, biar lebih yakin ya, nih aku kasihhh trailer movie nya ya? Apa? gaatau trailer ? itulaah iklan pendekk dari filmm gituu  :D

bagus kan trailernya? cuplikannya aja bagus apalagi keseluruhannya :))
Film ini juga d dukung sama soundtrack yang bener2 suitable samaa alur kisahnyaa yang ga lain di nyanyiin sama ka BCL yang di ciptain sama Bunda Melly Goeslowww =D . haduhh ka bunga tuh ya sekali melangkah dua pulau terlampaui, sambil aktingn yanyi jugakkk :D hahaha
Nihh aku kasih liriknya aku jamin pasti nyentuhh banget ke dasar hatiii paling dalemm (emng hati dalemnya bberapa m? (✖╭╮✖

Bunga Citra Lestari 

Mengulang kenangan saat cinta menemui cinta

Suara sang malam dan siang seakan berlagu
Dapat aku dengar rindumu memanggil namaku

Saat aku tak lagi di sisimu
Ku tunggu kau di keabadian

Aku tak pernah pergi, selalu ada di hatimu
Kau tak pernah jauh, selalu ada di dalam hatiku

Sukmaku berteriak, menegaskan ku cinta padamu
Terima kasih pada maha cinta menyatukan kita

Saat aku tak lagi di sisimu
Ku tunggu kau di keabadian

Cinta kita melukiskan sejarah

Menggelarkan cerita penuh suka cita
Sehingga siapa pun insan Tuhan
Pasti tahu cinta kita sejati

Saat aku tak lagi di sisimu

Ku tunggu kau di keabadian

Cinta kita melukiskan sejarah
Menggelarkan cerita penuh suka cita
Sehingga siapa pun insan Tuhan

Pasti tahu cinta kita sejati

Lembah yang berwarna
Membentuk melekuk memeluk kita
Dua jiwa yang melebur jadi satu
Dalam kesunyian cinta

Cinta kita melukiskan sejarah
Menggelarkan cerita penuh suka cita
Sehingga siapa pun insan Tuhan
Pasti tahu cinta kita sejati

Baguss kan? Baguss nggak hayoo? Pasti baguss :D . makanya download, nah kebetulannya aku nemu linknya di 4shared aku share yaa ke kaliann bentar tunggu aku searching lagii :D
Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) - Cinta Sejati Ost. Habibie & Ainun

nah kaliaan bisa tuh ngedownload disitu , sekarang aku tinggal mau bagi2 fotoo seputar pelm ini nih . ga sabar kan liat fotoo aktor & aktris yang keren2 ? 

Baguss baguss kan? makanya cepetan nonton yaa :))
Sekian dari akuuu..
dadaahhhhhhhh {}

Bingung, Bingung (2B)

Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Nyuss, heeii aku balik lagi ◦^^◦akuu bingung nih, suuueer bingungnyaa.. kenapa? soalnya ngga betah. (ngga betah kenapa? cari tahu aja ndiri, okeeh?) (-‿◕)Bingung yang pertama, (cielah --") aku ngerasa tuh kayak bencana, bukan bencana alam loh ! -__- ngimpi apa pas itu sampai aku harus tahan sklas sm MK. Anjrit ah ! gda mslh sh sbner msk mna aja, tp koh sm tu anak gtu, anak yang plng d **** sama gururuuu. aku pengenn banget guru yang tegas, tegas ya, bukan galak, ː̗̀(,̖́, yah walaupun walas ku sih laki laki, tapi ngga pernah marah. Aku pengeen banget d marahin, dalam arti dimarahin kayak bu harni yaa , ngga tahu bu harni ya? Bu harni tuh walas ku waktu kelas 8, dia orngnya risihan deh kyknya, tapi aku seneng, kenapa? soalnya kelas jadi beeeeeeeersssssssssssihhhhhhhhhhhhhhh banget ƪ˘)ʃselain itu juga, sturuktur kelas jadi rempong  deh, maasaa 4 bulan sekali eh 3 bulan sekali, eh berapa ya? ah tau ah pokoknya tiap periode ganti, rempong kan ? huh >.< tapi aku ga pernah kedapetan jadi pengurus *sujud syukur* . pokoknya bu harni sosok yang nganngenin, tapi nyeremin (loh ? )Back to topic Ψ(`´)σ bu harni udah kayak ibu sendiri, bener deh, yah walaupun beda agama, tapi baikkkk banget, aku kangen malahan sekarang udh kelas IX , tawanya lucu bangeet. Intinya sih aku pengen kelas 8F, anaknya seru2, ya walaupun ga lepas dari seputar anak nyebelin, tapi seenggaknya bisa kompak, jalan bareng ngga sendiri-sendiri. Bingung yang kedua, :D aku suka sama orang nih, suka wajar kan? kan? kan? kalau ngga suka itu baru yang namanya ngga wajar aiaiaiaiiaa.. tapi mungkin buat sebagian bahkan tiga perempat orang, dia nyebelin, kenapa? karena mereka ngga tau dan mungkin ngga pernah mau tau isii hati dia sebenarnya, dia kayak apa orangnya, dia baik ko, helpful, generous sama temen. tapi sayang, sama kayak nasibnya sii yang punya sipidol.blogspot.com dia udah punya pacar. kasian banget ya aku ? (˘-‾)/(˘̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)yaah namanya juga takdir booo, apa aja diterima, harus, kudu, dan musti ! aku udah suka sama dia pertama kali since aku kelas 8, ngga tau kenapa gitu ngga pernah berani natep matanya, natep pun cuma klaau lagi bercandaan, ngomong2 bareng, yah walaupun dia suka ngelucu "kamu suka sama aku ya rin?" buat dia itu sebuah lelucon, tapi buatku? kaget deh beneran setengah anfal malahn, eh innalillahhi, (✖╭╮✖) aku kira dia tahu aku suka sama dia, ternyata habis itu diikutin ketawa, ah hancur hancurrr. Hei udahan ya, di liatin mulu sama bapak ku. dadaahhh ƪ˘)ʃ     

Bingung judulnya :D

Kamis, 29 November 2012

Sekarang ya nggak ngrasa udah main kelas 9 aja. Dunia emang berputar sungguhlah sangat cepat. Baru aja kemarin masuk SMP sekarang udah mau keluar lagi. haialhh..
Oke, UN mungkin udah di depan mata , gimana ngga? sekarang November akhir, sedangkan UN 22 April !
Bayangin gih, gimana coba? dalam waktu sesingkat itu, mental, otak kita harus siap di peres abis-abisan. aku ngga bisa ngebayangin gimana jadinya >.<
Tapi, jangan salah, aku punya target, aku pengen kaya mba Urfah, pengen lulus dengan nilai maksimal, aku pengen berusaha ngedapetin itu, tapi tentunya ngga nyiksa diriku sendiri juga, aku ngga terlalu terobesesi juga sih :D hehehe
Udah mau UN, bukan berarti kita ngebanyakin ikut bimbingan belajar atau lebih dikenal LES, toh juga hasil akhir bukan berkat bimbel, tapi dari motivasi yang ada dalam diri kita, kemauan yang begitu kuat, kesungguhan kerja keras yang nyata itu semua dapt terwujud jikalau emang kita udh punya tekad.
Sekarang tujuan aku cuma satu, fokus ke UN, ngga mikir apa-apa dulu lah, nilaiku udah cukup turun, tapi masih ada waktu untuk memberbaiki ! :)

 Salam, Arina.

Bae Suzy

Bae Su-ji (Hangul: 배수지; Hanja: 裴秀智; born October 10, 1994), commonly known by her stage name Suzy, is a South Korean idolsingeractressmodel and MC. Best known for her roles as Go Hye-mi in the KBS2 TV series Dream High. She is a member of theKorean girl group Miss A, which debuted under JYP Entertainment in 2010.


Suzy was born in GwangjuSouth Korea on October 10, 1994. She attended Seoul Performing Arts High School. Before debuting, she was an online shopping model. In 2009, she auditioned for Mnet Superstar K and made it through the preliminary round but she was ultimately eliminated. However, she caught the attention of a scout from JYP Entertainment and soon became a trainee. After training for a year, she was paired with fellow members Fei and Jia. With the sudden addition of Min into the group, the foursome prepared to debut as Miss A.


[edit]Miss A

In July 2010, Suzy made her debut as a member of Miss A, a girl group managed by JYP Entertainment, with the single "Bad Girl Good Girl" as a lead vocalist of the group and image of the group[1] After a successful promotion period of 7 weeks, the group came back in October with a new title track, "Breathe", from the second single Step Up. The group promoted the song for a month and had their last goodbye stage on November 7. The group then returned in July 2011 with the release of their first full-length studio album A Classwith the title track "Good Bye Baby". The group held their goodbye stage in early September after finding great success with their album and title track. The group then turned their focus towards their overseas activities, including their Chinese debut.

[edit]Solo activities

In October 2010, Suzy became the host for MBC Show! Music Core alongside Minho and Onew, both from SHINee, and Jiyeon, from T-ara.[2] Suzy later hosted other shows such as Inkigayo, M! Countdown, M! countdwn Hello Japan,[3][4] the 21st Seoul Music Awards26th Golden Disk Awards with F.T. Island's Hongki, and Mnet 20's Choice Awards along side the actor Song Joong-Ki[5] where she won an award under the category "hot new star of 2011".[6]
Apart from her group activities Suzy made her acting debut with the drama Dream High, which aired on KBS2 from January 3 to February 28.[7][8] On March 22, 2012,she made her movie debut in the film Introduction to Architecture as young Seo yeon.[9][10][11] On June 4, 2012,Suzy was also part of Hong Sister's drama "Big" beside Gong Yoo and Lee Min Jung as the crazy but beautiful Jang Mari.
In October 2011, it was confirmed that Suzy became a cast member in KBS2 TV reality show Invincible Youth 2 (청춘불패) in which Suzy was a part of G8, consisting of eight girls from idol groups as Girls' Generation's Sunny and HyoyeonKara's Jiyoungf(x)'s AmberSISTAR's Bora, Rainbow's Woori and Jewelry's Yewon. The show began filming its first episode on October 19 and aired on November 11.[12]
On November 4, 2011, it revealed that Suzy will make a surprise appearance in the new music video titled Pretty but Hateful of former g.o.d.'s member Son Ho Young. Suzy played the role of the main female character and captivated the audience with her natural beauty and innocent charm. She left a strong impression by being able to cry on demand in the beginning of the MV.[13]
In 2012, Suzy showed her support towards the Pink Wings Campaign, ran by the Korean Citizens' Coalition for Teens, by participating in the special photoshoot Vogue Girl conducted.
Her debut film, 101 Architecture, was one of the ten most-watched films in Korea in the first quarter of 2012. Nine weeks after its theater release, it reached over 4.1 million admissions, a new box office record for Korean melodramas.[14]
Bae Suzy is well known for being the first Korean female celebrity to have more than one million followers on Twitter. She is also the first Korean female to win a singer rookie award, drama rookie award and movie rookie award after receiving her Best New Actress Award at the 48th Paeksang Awards night.[15]


Lee Ji-eun (Hangul : 이지은, born May 16, 1993), better known by her stage name IU (Korean아이유), is a South Korean singer and actress.[2] Her stage name is derived from the phrase "I and You", which symbolizes that we can become one through music.[3] In her home country of South Korea, she is often referred to as the "Nation's Little Sister" due to her various personality traits.[citation needed]Her fan club name is U-ana (Uaena), where each syllable has a different meaning: "you" is from English, "ai" is Chinese for "love", and "na" is Korean for "me


[edit]2008: Debut

IU debuted on a Korean music program called Mnet M! Countdown in September 18, 2008 with her debut single "Lost Child". It was later released as the title track for her debut mini-album Lost and Found on September 24, 2008.[4] However, she did not gain mainstream popularity until her follow-up and debut studio album Growing Up.

[edit]2009: First studio album, mainstream success, and other activities

On April 16, 2009, IU launched her first full album, titled Growing Up, with the lead promotional number "Boo." Within three weeks, "Boo" went up to the #1 contenders for SBS Inkigayo, and her name also went up twice on Take 7 together with other notable artists like SG Wannabe and Younha. The song also did well on KBS Music Bank K-Chart, on Mnet M! Countdown chart, and on various online music charts.[citation needed]
In 2009, IU sang the ending title song, "Araro", for the acclaimed MBC drama Queen Seon Duk, where she was recommended by the director, Sam Kim, citing her "clear tone and her lyrical sensibility."[5] She was also featured on Mighty Mouth's album Love Class in the song "희망사항." In late 2009, IU recorded MC Mong's song "Love Letter For You (Neoyege Sseuneun Pyeonji)," featuring SHINee's Key as the rapper.

[edit]2010: Nagging for We Got Married and third mini album

IU recorded the song "잔소리" (Nagging / Scolded) with 2AM's Seulong for the TV show We Got Married. On June 27, 2010, IU won her first award since her debut on SBS Inkigayofor "Nagging." On July 2, 2010, she won another award for that song on KBS Music Bank K-Chart. Soon after, IU was chosen to sing the main OST song for the MBC drama Road No.1 titled "여자라서" (Because I'm A Woman). IU's other collaborations include duets with Yoo Seung Ho ("사랑을 믿어요" (Believe in Love)), Sung Shi Kyung ("그대네요" (It's You)), and Big Bang's Seungri ("I Know").[citation needed]
IU worked with some of South Korea's most famous musicians and producers for her third mini-album, Real, released in December 2010.[6] Lee Min Soo and Kim Eana, the creators of IU's previous hit "Nagging", helped produce her award-winning song "좋은 날" ("Good Day")."[7] IU received three SBS Inkigayo Mutizen Song awards for her performances of the song (on December 18 and December 26, 2010, and January 2, 2011), three awards from KBS Music Bank K-Chart (on December 24 and December 31, 2010, and January 7, 2011), and one award from Mnet M! Countdown on December 23, 2010.[citation needed]

[edit]2011: Rising popularity, Real+, and Last Fantasy

IU often covers other pop artists' songs with her guitar and features her friend Thunder from MBLAQ, most notably renditions of SHINee's "Juliette," Big Bang's "Lies," Super Junior's "Sorry, Sorry" and Girls' Generation's "Gee."[8]
Soribada, an online music service, combined the music downloads and streams from January 1 to March 30, 2011, to name IU's song, "Good Day" as the number one song of the first quarter. Her song "Someday" from the KBS drama Dream High OST and her ballad "The Story Only I Didn't Know", from her Real+ mini-album, placed 4th and 7th place, respectively – showing that IU got 3 of the top 10 digital spots for the first quarter. Her first original composition, "Dreaming" was used in the drama Dream High, but not released officially.
On June 18, 2011, IU held her first official fanmeeting and mini-concert at AX-Korea. It also marked the 1004th day since she debuted.[9]
IU also sang a self-composed OST called "Hold my Hand" for drama series The Greatest Love.[10]
On November 29, 2011, IU's second full length album Last Fantasy was released and achieved an ‘all-kill’ as all 13 songs immediately swept most of all the charts.[11][12] The track list was revealed on November 22, 2011.

[edit]2012 to present

On January 24, 2012, IU held a live showcase at Tokyo's Bunkamura Orchard Hall.[13] At the time of the showcase, it was noted that she was the youngest Korean singer ever to perform at the Hall.[14] On March 1st, 2012, she released a promotional video for the Japanese version of "Good Day", the title track of her Japanese single album.[15] The album, which includes DVD footage from the showcase,[16] was later released on March 21, 2012.[17]
In early April, 2012, it was announced that IU will be holding her first solo tour, "Real Fantasy", starting in June. The tour features performances in six different cities across South Korea, including Seoul and Busan.[18]
IU released the single album, Spring of a Twenty Year Old, on May 11th, 2012.[19] The album contains three songs, one of which is self-composed by IU. This song, entitled "Peach", was digitally released before the album, on May 4th, 2012.[20] A 26-minute-long documentary-style music video film was released alongside the album, featuring the album track, "Every End of the Day", and several interviews with IU that showcase her personal thoughts and experiences. This film contains footage of IU as she visits Venice, Italy.[21]Due to her commitments towards preparing for her first solo tour, she was unable to make broadcast promotions for the single. Additionally, while touring, she had to leave her hosting job at SBS' Inkigayo,[22] though she returned upon the tour's completion.[citation needed]
You & I, IU's second Japanese single, was released on July 18th.[23]

[edit]Endorsements and other activities


IU has secured a number of endorsement deals,[24] including the 2011 UNIONBAY clothing line (with Seo In-Kook),[25] MyChew candy, and the action-riding game The Story of My Horse and I, Alicia. In 2011, IU became the next pop star spokesmodel for Mexicana Chicken.[26] Samsung selected IU to represent their Anycall brand, previously endorsed by such stars as Lee Hyori, BoA, and Junki, stating "we believe that [IU] has the potential to create a big bang within the industry.".[27] In the same year, IU endorsed for SK Telecom, Namyang Dairy, S-Oil, Home Plus, Y'SB, Le Coq Sportif, Elite school uniforms, and was chosen to be the ambassador for Yeosu Expo Korea 2012. In 2012, IU secured the endorsement deals for G by Guess[28] and cosmetics brand, The Saem[29] as well.

[edit]Other activities

In August 2009, IU became a host for the new program Gom Music Chart on GomTV, a weekly show where South Korean netizens vote for their favorite songs on the charts.[citation needed] For a time, IU became a fixed guest on Super Junior's Kiss the RadioMaybee's Raise the Volume, and MBC's Starry Night (hosted by Park Kyung-lim and Shin Young) and Chin Chin Radio (hosted by Taeyeon). Upon Taeyeon's departure, she was chosen as a temporary DJ for two weeks together with Beast member Doojoon.[citation needed] IU is currently the VJ for MBC Game's Star for You.[citation needed] In October and November of 2010, IU introduced the competing players in season 2 of GomTV's Global Starcraft II League.[30] IU is also one of twelve original female cast members chosen for the SBS variety show Heroes.[31]
IU took up a role as Kim Pil Suk in the KBS 2TV teen drama series Dream High.[32]
On February 6, 2011, it was announced that IU would be a guest performer for British contemporary jazz & soul singer, Corinne Bailey Rae, during her 1st Korean concert.[33] She was also featured in K-Will's music video for his song "My Heart is Beating" along with MBLAQ's Lee Joon and Boyfriend's No Minwoo.
Between May and July in 2011, IU attended the filming for SBS's Kiss & Cry, where celebrities show off their figure skating skills.[34] However, she was eliminated in Episode 8.[35]Also during this time, she participated in KBS Immortal Song 2. [36] However due to her overwhelming schedule of "Kiss & Cry" and MC duties for “Inkigayo”, she withdrawn from Immortal Song to focus on her upcoming album. [37]
IU performed at the 2011 GSL Blizzard Cup finals,[38] with the songs "Good Day" and "You and I".[39] This is not the first time she would be involved in the GSL, as she also did the voice over for the player introductions and openers in previous seasons as well.[40]
On March 22 2012, IU along with ZE:A member Yim Si-wan and Hwang Kwanghee started in Samsung CF for their latest smartphone, the 'Wave 3'. It is a three-part drama titled '20, the start of the Wave', which introduced various apps and tools of the 'Wave 3'.[41]

[edit]Personal life

On November 9, 2012, [42] a photo of Super Junior's Eunhyuk and IU was posted on IU's Twitter account. The post appeared to be accidental as the photo was removed within 2 minutes. This, combined with the duo's previous interactions on various media outlets, has lead popular media to speculate that the two are dating.[42] However, IU's agency, LOEN Entertainment, has publicly denied these rumors,[43] while Eunhyuk's agency, SM Entertainment, has refused to comment.[44]